Chapter 1: Getting Started with EJBs
Creating a simple session EJB
simple example with @Stateless annotation.
very important is that @Stateless takes a parameter
mappedName is used as a JNDI name.
Accessing a session bean using dependency
as you can see, we inject the bean using @EJB.
and we used here @WebServlet to define a servlet.
Accessing the session bean using JNDI
as you can see, we use InitialContext() and lookup() to find the bean.
we used this path in the code
which is
java:global: means search in all beans that are globally accessable
java:app: means search in all the beans that can be seen in the same application
java:module: means search in all the beans that can be seen in the same module
IMPORTANT: the bean can be packaged in application-ejb.jar, or application-war.war. the application-ejb.jar can be packaged inside application.ear.
so the[<app-name> is when you are packaged inside application.ear
the module-name is the name of the war.war or ejb.jar
the bean-name is the name of the bean.
so if you want to search for beans inside a module :
searching inside the application:
we will see later that the bean could implement a localInterface and/or RemoteInterface
public class Salutation implements SalutationLocalInterface, SalutationRemoteInterface {
in this case you JNDI lookup will be
Creating a simple message-driven bean
as you can see we use @MessageDriven, we implement MessageListner and override onMessage.
mappedName: is the name of the queue that we are gonna listen to
and we added some config which are the acknowledgeMode and the destinationType.
Sending a message to a message-driven bean
as you can see, you need a queueConnectionFactory and a queue.
we create a connection
then we create a session
then we create a producer
then we send the message.
also you can see that we injected the resources (connection factory and queue , which you usually create them in Glassfish) using @Resource
Accessing an EJB from a web service
firstly we will define a singlton bean
simply we use @Singleton
then we will use this bean inside JAX-WebService
as you can see we use @WebService and @WebMethod to define a service.
and sure to inject the bean we use @EJB.
Accessing an EJB from a web service
firstly we will define a Stateless bean
then we can define
as you can see we define @Path, @GET, @POST ...
and sure to inject the bean @EJB is used.
Accessing an EJB from an Applet
you can access a bean from Applet check the example if you want
Accessing an EJB from JSP
in this example we will create a Remote Stateless EJB.
to do that, firstly we should define the remote interface:
then we implement the interface in the bean class
no we will use InitialContext to get the bean in JSP.
Calling an EJB from JSF
calling an EJB from JSF is similar to JSP, however before EJB 3.1 we had to define what we call a managedbean which is like a wrapper to the EJB.
in this example we will see how to define a managedbean.
firstly we will define the bean
@Named is similar to @Component in Spring
then we define the managed bean
as you can see the managed bean is just a wrapper for the actual bean
now we can use the bean like this
Accessing an EJB from a Java Application
using JNDI
accessing EJB from Java Application can be done easily by using JNDI
Accessing an EJB from a Java Application using an embeddable container
you can access the EJB using what we call embeddable container, The embeddable EJB container allows EJBs to be executed outside of a Java EE environment.
the code looks like this
Accessing the EJB container
EJB needs to access the container, which means access it to use its services (security, transaction ...).
accessing the container happens through EJBContext Interface.
as you can see we defined SessionContext (which implements EJBContext) and annotated that with @Resource
we have 3 context:
SessionContext for Session Beans
MessageDrivenContext for MDB
EntityContext for an Entity
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 2: Session Bean 2
Session bean has 3 types: Stateless, stateful and Singleton
Stateless: no state
Statefull: keep the state between callse
Beans can be access locally (No Interface or Interface) or Remotely
when access locally you should be in the same JVM
parameters will pass by reference when locally, and by value when Remotely.
accessing EJB from Java Application can be done easily by using JNDI
Accessing an EJB from a Java Application using an embeddable container
you can access the EJB using what we call embeddable container, The embeddable EJB container allows EJBs to be executed outside of a Java EE environment.
the code looks like this
Accessing the EJB container
EJB needs to access the container, which means access it to use its services (security, transaction ...).
accessing the container happens through EJBContext Interface.
as you can see we defined SessionContext (which implements EJBContext) and annotated that with @Resource
we have 3 context:
SessionContext for Session Beans
MessageDrivenContext for MDB
EntityContext for an Entity
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 2: Session Bean 2
Session bean has 3 types: Stateless, stateful and Singleton
Stateless: no state
Statefull: keep the state between callse
Beans can be access locally (No Interface or Interface) or Remotely
when access locally you should be in the same JVM
parameters will pass by reference when locally, and by value when Remotely.
Creating a stateless session bean
Creating a stateful session bean
Creating a singleton bean
Using multiple singleton beans
Using container managed concurrency
by default the container is responsible for handling the Singleton bean concurrent requests, only one client can access the bean at a time whether for read or write
you can change the concurrency behaviour by using @ConcurrencyManagement and @Lock
as you can see we say here that the container (which is the default behaviour) will take care of handling the concurrency, and we limit getState() to just Read lock and setState() to write lock
you can specify also the timeout for a lock by using @AccessTimeout(5000)
by default the container is responsible for handling the Singleton bean concurrent requests, only one client can access the bean at a time whether for read or write
you can change the concurrency behaviour by using @ConcurrencyManagement and @Lock
as you can see we say here that the container (which is the default behaviour) will take care of handling the concurrency, and we limit getState() to just Read lock and setState() to write lock
you can specify also the timeout for a lock by using @AccessTimeout(5000)
Using bean managed concurrency
Using session beans with more than one business interface
Understanding parameter behavior and granularity
we know that local beans runs on the same JVM and remote beans on different JVM
when you have a class with multiple private variables, then you need one call to get each variable instance ==> in case of local beans, this is fine as we are doing local calls, however in case of remote beans this is a lot of overhead. (FINE GRAINED APPROACH)
you can also pass the whole object ==> only single call, this is good in case of remote call (COARSE GRAINED APPROACH)
we know that passing objects between JVM we are passing by value, it is a good practice to make the object immutable.
lets take an example about fine grained:
we have this interface which represent the Orbit
the implementation for this interface
as you can see, if you want any value from this remote bean you should make a call, so you need to make 6 calls to get all the Orbit informations
in the example above we made a call to get the Eccentricity value, if you want to get the Longitude you should do position.getLonituteof...().
alot of call.
however if you go with the Coarse grained fashion, you can define the remote interface like this
as you can see just one method that return an object
as you can see it return an object
and you can do the call like this
as you can see orbitalElements.getPosition() will return the whole object in one call, no need for other remote calls.
now when you do getEccentricity() you are doing a local call
we know that local beans runs on the same JVM and remote beans on different JVM
when you have a class with multiple private variables, then you need one call to get each variable instance ==> in case of local beans, this is fine as we are doing local calls, however in case of remote beans this is a lot of overhead. (FINE GRAINED APPROACH)
you can also pass the whole object ==> only single call, this is good in case of remote call (COARSE GRAINED APPROACH)
we know that passing objects between JVM we are passing by value, it is a good practice to make the object immutable.
lets take an example about fine grained:
we have this interface which represent the Orbit
the implementation for this interface
as you can see, if you want any value from this remote bean you should make a call, so you need to make 6 calls to get all the Orbit informations
in the example above we made a call to get the Eccentricity value, if you want to get the Longitude you should do position.getLonituteof...().
alot of call.
however if you go with the Coarse grained fashion, you can define the remote interface like this
as you can see just one method that return an object
as you can see it return an object
and you can do the call like this
as you can see orbitalElements.getPosition() will return the whole object in one call, no need for other remote calls.
now when you do getEccentricity() you are doing a local call
Using an asynchronous method to create a background process
if you want the bean to run asyncronusly so you dont have to wait for the results, you have 2 options:
1- Invoke and Forget: which means you run the bean and you dont care about the results
2- Invoke and Return in Future: which means you run the bean, the bean will store the results in a Future object which you can access later.
we will see the 2 approaches in this example:
as you can see we use @Asynchronous with printAndForget().
and we return Future<String> in case we want a future object,
as you can see we return new AsyncResult<String>()
to use this bean:
as you can see we do futureResult.get() to get the results and you should handle the exceptions
NOTE: Future object is not just used for getting the results, you can use it to cancel the task, check if it has completed and other thigns
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 3: Message-Driven Beans 3
we know everything about Message Driven Bean, we will start by example directly
if you want the bean to run asyncronusly so you dont have to wait for the results, you have 2 options:
1- Invoke and Forget: which means you run the bean and you dont care about the results
2- Invoke and Return in Future: which means you run the bean, the bean will store the results in a Future object which you can access later.
we will see the 2 approaches in this example:
as you can see we use @Asynchronous with printAndForget().
and we return Future<String> in case we want a future object,
as you can see we return new AsyncResult<String>()
to use this bean:
as you can see we do futureResult.get() to get the results and you should handle the exceptions
NOTE: Future object is not just used for getting the results, you can use it to cancel the task, check if it has completed and other thigns
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 3: Message-Driven Beans 3
we know everything about Message Driven Bean, we will start by example directly
Handling a string-based message
Handling a byte-based message
Handling a stream-based message
Handling a map-based message
Handling an object-based message
Using an MDB in a point-to-point application
Using MDB in a publish-and-subscribe application
Specifying which types of message to receive using the message selector
Browsing messages in a message queue
you can use queuebrowser to browse the queue.
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 & Chapter 6 : EJB Persistence & JPA Query & Transaction Processing
An entity is a class representing data persisted to a backing store using JPA. The @Entity annotation designates a class as an entity
Entities can also be declared in an orm.xml file
The persistence unit defines mapping between the entity and the data store
The persistence context keeps track of the state and changes made to its entities
The EntityManager manages the entities and their interaction with the data store
you can use queuebrowser to browse the queue.
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 & Chapter 6 : EJB Persistence & JPA Query & Transaction Processing
An entity is a class representing data persisted to a backing store using JPA. The @Entity annotation designates a class as an entity
Entities can also be declared in an orm.xml file
The persistence unit defines mapping between the entity and the data store
The persistence context keeps track of the state and changes made to its entities
The EntityManager manages the entities and their interaction with the data store
Creating an entity
Creating an entity facade
Using the EntityManager
Controlling the Object-Relationship Mapping (ORM) process
Using embeddable classes in entities
Validating Fields
private String name;
private String name;
private String name;
@Size(min=12, max=36)
private String name;
private Date dateOfBirth;
@Past // the value should be in the past
private Date dateOfBirth;
@Future // the value should be in the future
private Date dateOfBirth;
private String zipCode;
@AssertTrue// this means resident should be true
private boolean resident;
private int monthsToExpire;
you can also use a Validator class to do the validation
private String name;
private String name;
private String name;
@Size(min=12, max=36)
private String name;
private Date dateOfBirth;
@Past // the value should be in the past
private Date dateOfBirth;
@Future // the value should be in the future
private Date dateOfBirth;
private String zipCode;
@AssertTrue// this means resident should be true
private boolean resident;
private int monthsToExpire;
you can also use a Validator class to do the validation
Chapter 5 JPA Query
nothing much here we will just add few examples
1- create and run a query
public List<Patient> findAll() {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select p FROM Patient p");
List<Patient> list = query.getResultList();
return list;
2- control the number of returned entities
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM
Patient p");
List<Patient> list = query.getResultList();
3- delete query
public int delete(String firstName, String lastName) {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("DELETE FROM Patient p
WHERE p.firstName = '" + firstName + "' AND p.lastName = '" +
lastName + "'");
int numberDeleted = query.executeUpdate();
return numberDeleted;
4- update query
public int updateDosage(String type, int dosage) {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("UPDATE Medication m " +
"SET m.dosage = " + dosage + " WHERE m.type = '" + type + "'");
int numberUpdated = query.executeUpdate();
return numberUpdated;
5- use parameter in query
public List<Patient> findByLastName(String lastName) {
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Patient p WHERE
p.lastName = :lastName");
query.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
List<Patient> list = query.getResultList();
return list;
6- using named query
query="SELECT m FROM Medication m WHERE m.type = ?1")
public class Medication implements Serializable { ...}
public List<Medication> findByType(String type) {
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("findByType");
return query.getResultList();
7- Using the Criteria API
public void findAllMales(PrintWriter out) {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder;
criteriaBuilder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Patient> criteriaQuery =
Root<Patient> patientRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Patient.class);
List<Patient> patients =
for (Patient p : patients) {
out.println("<h5>" + p.getFirstName() + "</h5>");
CMTs can be used with session beans, message-driven beans, and entities. However, BMTs
can only be used with session- and message-driven beans.
nothing much here we will just add few examples
1- create and run a query
public List<Patient> findAll() {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select p FROM Patient p");
List<Patient> list = query.getResultList();
return list;
2- control the number of returned entities
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM
Patient p");
List<Patient> list = query.getResultList();
3- delete query
public int delete(String firstName, String lastName) {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("DELETE FROM Patient p
WHERE p.firstName = '" + firstName + "' AND p.lastName = '" +
lastName + "'");
int numberDeleted = query.executeUpdate();
return numberDeleted;
4- update query
public int updateDosage(String type, int dosage) {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("UPDATE Medication m " +
"SET m.dosage = " + dosage + " WHERE m.type = '" + type + "'");
int numberUpdated = query.executeUpdate();
return numberUpdated;
5- use parameter in query
public List<Patient> findByLastName(String lastName) {
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Patient p WHERE
p.lastName = :lastName");
query.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
List<Patient> list = query.getResultList();
return list;
6- using named query
query="SELECT m FROM Medication m WHERE m.type = ?1")
public class Medication implements Serializable { ...}
public List<Medication> findByType(String type) {
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("findByType");
return query.getResultList();
7- Using the Criteria API
public void findAllMales(PrintWriter out) {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder;
criteriaBuilder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Patient> criteriaQuery =
Root<Patient> patientRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Patient.class);
List<Patient> patients =
for (Patient p : patients) {
out.println("<h5>" + p.getFirstName() + "</h5>");
CMTs can be used with session beans, message-driven beans, and entities. However, BMTs
can only be used with session- and message-driven beans.
CHAPTER 6 Transactions
you have either container managed transaction or bean managed transactions.
by default we have container managed transactions.
you have either container managed transaction or bean managed transactions.
by default we have container managed transactions.
Using the SessionSynchronization interface with session beans
if you implement SessionSynchronization interface you can use functions like afterBegin, beforeCompletion, afterCompletion
we have something important which is called TransactionAttributeType which you can set for methods or classes
REQUIRED – Must always be part of a transaction
REQUIRES_NEW – Requires the creation of a new transaction
SUPPORTS – Becomes part of another transaction if present
MANDATORY – Must be used as part of another transaction
NOT_SUPPORTED – May not be used as part of a transaction
NEVER – Similar to NOT_SUPPORTED but will result in an EJBException being thrown
A Message Driven Bean (MDB) only supports the REQUIRED and NOT_SUPPORTED values.
usually the transactionAttirbuteType is set on the method level, it defines how the method will behave in case there is a parent transction or not
if you implement SessionSynchronization interface you can use functions like afterBegin, beforeCompletion, afterCompletion
we have something important which is called TransactionAttributeType which you can set for methods or classes
REQUIRED – Must always be part of a transaction
REQUIRES_NEW – Requires the creation of a new transaction
SUPPORTS – Becomes part of another transaction if present
MANDATORY – Must be used as part of another transaction
NOT_SUPPORTED – May not be used as part of a transaction
NEVER – Similar to NOT_SUPPORTED but will result in an EJBException being thrown
A Message Driven Bean (MDB) only supports the REQUIRED and NOT_SUPPORTED values.
usually the transactionAttirbuteType is set on the method level, it defines how the method will behave in case there is a parent transction or not
Handling transactions manually
Rolling back a transaction
in case of bean managed transaction you can rollback using these methods
UserTransaction.rollback(): which cause an immediate rollback of the transaction
SessionContext.setRollBackOnly(): which marks the transaction for rollback however the transaction will not be interrupted it will continue to the end.
in case of container managed transaction you can only use setRollBackOnly().
in case of bean managed transaction you can rollback using these methods
UserTransaction.rollback(): which cause an immediate rollback of the transaction
SessionContext.setRollBackOnly(): which marks the transaction for rollback however the transaction will not be interrupted it will continue to the end.
in case of container managed transaction you can only use setRollBackOnly().
Handling errors in a transaction
If an unchecked exception is thrown, a transaction is automatically rolled back. For checked exceptions, the UserTransaction's rollback method or the SessionContext's setRollbackOnly method are used to explicitly force a rollback.
when you define an exception you can set if it should rollback or not.
If an unchecked exception is thrown, a transaction is automatically rolled back. For checked exceptions, the UserTransaction's rollback method or the SessionContext's setRollbackOnly method are used to explicitly force a rollback.
when you define an exception you can set if it should rollback or not.
Using timeouts with transactions
if you are using container managed transaction you can change the transaction timeout from the container GUI,
for Bean managed transaction you can use.
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 7 EJB Security
you can use annotation to secure access to methods, or you can use some code, use the code when the annotation cannot do what you want (e.g. access is allowed only in the morning).
When we talk about security we talk about REALM, users, groups and roles.
we define the REALM and under it the users and groups in the JAVAEE server (e.g. glassfish), usually they have a GUI for that.
the roles are defined on the application level, we assign the roles to groups and users.
as you can see we defined the roles and security-constraint in web.xml
mapping roles to groups and users should be done in (sun-application.xml, sun-web.xml, or
sun-ejb-jar.xml) depending on how the application is deployed
now when you write code
as you can see you define the roles that the class will handle, then you use @RolesAllowed, @PermitALL and @DenyAll.
Sometimes you need a class to run in a higher Role, so lets say that you have an employee Role and you want to call something which needs a Manager Role, the class itself can allow you to do that by using RunAs annotation
How to control security dynamically
after the user is authenticated by JAVAEE Server, it will be represented as Principal object as part of context, you can use this object for programmatic access.
some of the calls that you might need
Principal principal = sessionContext.getCallerPrincipal();
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 8 Interceptors
To use interceptors:
1- define your interceptors class
2- specify where you want to use this interceptor
as you can see here the interceptor is on class level
3- you can define multiple interceptors like this:
4- when you define an interceptor on class level, it will be applied to all methods, if you want to exclude some methods, you write:
5- you can also define an interceptor on method level
6- you can define an interceptor for all EJBs.
you do that by adding <interceptor-binding> in ejb-jar.xml
7- as you can see, in the defined Interceptor method we have, a parameter which is InvocationContext, this parameter has useful methods like:
8- you can annotate methods also with @PreDestroy and @PostConstruct @PrePassivate and @PostActivate
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 9 Timer Service & Chapter 10 Web Services & Chapter 11 Packaging EJB & Chapter 12 EJB Techniques
To schedual a method to run at specific time
you can also create an event programatically
1- define a time service resource
TimerService timerService;
2- create an action timer:
3- create a timeout function
createSingleActionTimer() will create an event for one time
createIntervalTimer() will create interval events
createCalendarTimer() will create calendar event
the Timer object in the timeout function has alot of useful methods
Persistent vs non-persistent timers
persistent timer means if the server is down the server event will be recorded and executed later.
you can define a persistent in @Schedual
@Schedule(second="0", minute="*", hour = "*", info="", persistent=true)
if you are using container managed transaction you can change the transaction timeout from the container GUI,
for Bean managed transaction you can use.
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 7 EJB Security
you can use annotation to secure access to methods, or you can use some code, use the code when the annotation cannot do what you want (e.g. access is allowed only in the morning).
When we talk about security we talk about REALM, users, groups and roles.
we define the REALM and under it the users and groups in the JAVAEE server (e.g. glassfish), usually they have a GUI for that.
the roles are defined on the application level, we assign the roles to groups and users.
as you can see we defined the roles and security-constraint in web.xml
mapping roles to groups and users should be done in (sun-application.xml, sun-web.xml, or
sun-ejb-jar.xml) depending on how the application is deployed
now when you write code
as you can see you define the roles that the class will handle, then you use @RolesAllowed, @PermitALL and @DenyAll.
Sometimes you need a class to run in a higher Role, so lets say that you have an employee Role and you want to call something which needs a Manager Role, the class itself can allow you to do that by using RunAs annotation
How to control security dynamically
after the user is authenticated by JAVAEE Server, it will be represented as Principal object as part of context, you can use this object for programmatic access.
some of the calls that you might need
Principal principal = sessionContext.getCallerPrincipal();
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 8 Interceptors
To use interceptors:
1- define your interceptors class
2- specify where you want to use this interceptor
as you can see here the interceptor is on class level
3- you can define multiple interceptors like this:
4- when you define an interceptor on class level, it will be applied to all methods, if you want to exclude some methods, you write:
5- you can also define an interceptor on method level
6- you can define an interceptor for all EJBs.
you do that by adding <interceptor-binding> in ejb-jar.xml
7- as you can see, in the defined Interceptor method we have, a parameter which is InvocationContext, this parameter has useful methods like:
8- you can annotate methods also with @PreDestroy and @PostConstruct @PrePassivate and @PostActivate
EJB 3.1 cookbook Chapter 9 Timer Service & Chapter 10 Web Services & Chapter 11 Packaging EJB & Chapter 12 EJB Techniques
To schedual a method to run at specific time
you can also create an event programatically
1- define a time service resource
TimerService timerService;
2- create an action timer:
3- create a timeout function
createSingleActionTimer() will create an event for one time
createIntervalTimer() will create interval events
createCalendarTimer() will create calendar event
the Timer object in the timeout function has alot of useful methods
Persistent vs non-persistent timers
persistent timer means if the server is down the server event will be recorded and executed later.
you can define a persistent in @Schedual
@Schedule(second="0", minute="*", hour = "*", info="", persistent=true)
you can also create an event programatically
1- define a time service resource
TimerService timerService;
2- create an action timer:
3- create a timeout function
createSingleActionTimer() will create an event for one time
createIntervalTimer() will create interval events
createCalendarTimer() will create calendar event
the Timer object in the timeout function has alot of useful methods
Persistent vs non-persistent timers
persistent timer means if the server is down the server event will be recorded and executed later.
you can define a persistent in @Schedual
@Schedule(second="0", minute="*", hour = "*", info="", persistent=true)
Chapter 10 Web Services
to define web services you can use JAX-WS
@WebService, @WebMethod and @WebParam
in order to define RESTFul services, you can use JAX-RS
@Path, @GET, @Produces("text/html"), @QueryParam,
to define web services you can use JAX-WS
@WebService, @WebMethod and @WebParam
in order to define RESTFul services, you can use JAX-RS
@Path, @GET, @Produces("text/html"), @QueryParam,
Chapter 11 Packaging the EJB
1- *-ejb.jar: this jar file contains your EJBs, the deployment descriptor is ejb-jar.xml, it will be inside META-INF ( if you annotated your classes then there is no need for ejb-jar.xml ).
2- *.war: host your web application, the deployment descriptor is web.xml, it will be inside WEB-INF.
3- *.ear: put jars and wars inside it, application.xml is the deployment discriptor.
4- *.rar: this is to define resource adapters, this is something related to JAVA EE Connector Architecture, for integration; the deployment descriptor is ra.xml inside META-INF
1- *-ejb.jar: this jar file contains your EJBs, the deployment descriptor is ejb-jar.xml, it will be inside META-INF ( if you annotated your classes then there is no need for ejb-jar.xml ).
2- *.war: host your web application, the deployment descriptor is web.xml, it will be inside WEB-INF.
3- *.ear: put jars and wars inside it, application.xml is the deployment discriptor.
4- *.rar: this is to define resource adapters, this is something related to JAVA EE Connector Architecture, for integration; the deployment descriptor is ra.xml inside META-INF
2- *.war: host your web application, the deployment descriptor is web.xml, it will be inside WEB-INF.
3- *.ear: put jars and wars inside it, application.xml is the deployment discriptor.
4- *.rar: this is to define resource adapters, this is something related to JAVA EE Connector Architecture, for integration; the deployment descriptor is ra.xml inside META-INF
Chapter 12 EJB Techniques
this chapter talks about general things, like using currency, handling exceptions, using interceptors to handle exceptions and logging ....
this chapter talks about general things, like using currency, handling exceptions, using interceptors to handle exceptions and logging ....
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